The Art of Being Human

There are a few things considered basic needs — food, shelter, and clothing — essentials for the existence of human life. Yet, what truly makes us human is how we transform these necessities into something more, a canvas for self-expression. We don’t just eat to survive; we create meals that comfort and nourish the soul. We don’t merely seek shelter; we build spaces that reflect our dreams, adorned with memories and intentions. We don’t just wear clothes for protection; we style ourselves to announce who we are to the world.
I was recently asked, “What is something about yourself that makes you feel beautiful, something beyond the physical?” It was a question that led me down a path of deep reflection. After much thought, I realized: my mind, the way I think and feel, makes me beautiful. Through a journey of healing, I’ve learned to be vulnerable with myself, to explore and express my inner world in ways I never had before. And now, creating art feels like a kind of magic — a manifestation of my spirit.
Lately, I’ve been thinking about how our most basic needs intertwine with the essence of who we are. Food, shelter, and clothing are necessary, yes, but it’s the personal touch, the artistry, that brings life to these simple acts of survival. The meals we prepare, the spaces we design, the clothes we wear — these are extensions of our humanity, declarations of who we are in a world that often tries to stifle individuality which I argue is a product of capitalism.
Self-expression is a need in its own right, as vital to the soul as food is to the body. Yet, so often, we deny ourselves this need. We lock away our inner worlds, feeling unsafe, betrayed, or crushed by past wounds. Society imposes norms, and we internalize systems of oppression that dull our light and silence our voice. These systems, as heavy as they feel, are as flimsy as a child’s sketch of the world, held together by white supremacy and its children. I could talk about the need for a cultural and societal revolution. But for now, let me return to the question of beauty. What I find most beautiful about myself is my ability to feel deeply and experience the world with a heart wide open. My inner universe, rich and vast, shapes my connection to life. It’s a universe that expands and evolves, especially when I create art. Writing, painting, expressing, these acts have become the most honest reflections of who I am. Through art, I am alive, embracing life in a way that feels new, as if I’m experiencing the world for the first time.
I’ve lived a long life already, full of lessons learned and unlearned. But only now, through self-expression, do I feel truly free. The journey hasn’t been easy; it has required me to be vulnerable, to let go of fears and societal expectations. Yet in doing so, I’ve unlocked a profound sense of beauty and wonder. Each of us carries a universe within, one that aches to expand, to share, to be known. It does no good to keep our feelings and dreams locked away. A universe longs to be infinite, not confined. And while I understand that not every inner world is filled with light I still believe in the power of expression. For those of us who carry goodness, love, and magic in our hearts, our art and self-expression have the potential to transform the world. We just need to give ourselves permission to share it, to let our souls breathe and expand, and in doing so, to truly live.