I Cry

Writing is powerful.
It creates a space for me to feel —
no, a space to express what I feel.
I feel like crying,
and crying is powerful.
I cry.
This is a milestone for me,
an immense release —
like pressure locks on vault doors being undone. The hiss of seals releasing,
the heavy doors separating,
and from the growing space between,
emotions pour out:
fear, anger, sadness —
a flood long locked away.
A zigzag stream flows down my face.
So powerful,
the current feels 3D,
a dam breaking at the top of a dry river.
The barren channel comes alive,
rushing with forceful energy.
Pain shows its power,
but with it comes
the beautiful prospect of love, of joy,
of happiness.
Much-needed water —
life returns to the sides of the riverbed. Growth begins.
The grass reaches upward,
and soon, the river will flow with life. Water brings beauty.
Water brings life.
I cry now.
I try to cry now.
I had forgotten how to, forgotten how to feel.
The doors were locked so tight, I didn’t even see them anymore. They blended with the wall. That is true sadness:
forgetting there was even a doorway. But now I cry.
I try to cry.
You can’t heal,
what you never reveal.
My very first poetry book is now available on Amazon/Kindle! 📚✨ If you’ve enjoyed my work so far, I’d be honored if you checked it out.
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